What is Bookmark Education's refund policy?

Refunds are permitted within seventy-two (72) hours of enrollment. All refunds are subject to a $15 processing fee to cover the cost of credit card processing, order review, and course enrollment. The amount refunded upon order cancellation will equal the original cost of the course less the $15 processing fee. No refunds will be processed once an exam has been attempted for a course. Refunds may be requested by telephone during our regular business hours.

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How long may I take to complete my continuing education course?

Enrolled students are permitted six (6) months from the date of enrollment to complete a Bookmark Education continuing education course. If a student has not successfully completed a course's final exam within the six month timeframe, the student will not be permitted to obtain credit for completing that expired course.

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Will you report my course completion(s) to the state regulatory agency?

Yes. We currently report all completions electronically, within two (2) business days of your course completion. In most cases our automated system will transmit your course completions within one day, but in some cases it's necessary for us to manually review and submit your completion. For example, we may find that your name or license number are not accepted by the state. If there are any concerns, we will contact you promptly. We understand the importance of timely reporting!

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If I complete a continuing education course today, will the correct date be indicated when you report my course completion to the state?

Bookmark Education records the exact date and time at which each student successfully completes a course's final exam. Completion Certificates will indicate same date and time of completion and cannot be modified to reflect any date and time other than the actual date and time at which the student successfully completes the final exam.

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I am licensed in more than one state which requires continuing education. By completing one of your continuing education courses, can I receive continuing education credit in more than one state?

In general, insurance producers should take courses that have been approved by states in which they have a "resident license." If you have a resident license in one state and a "non-resident license" in another state, the continuing education for your resident license can usually be used as a substitute for continuing education for your non-resident license. However, some exceptions may apply, especially if you sell special products, such as annuities or long-term care insurance. If you have questions about licensing requirements in multiple states, we advise you to contact the insurance departments in those states.

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I have already earned a portion of my required continuing education credit from another school. Can I still take a Bookmark Education course to satisfy my state's continuing education requirement?

Yes! Each of our courses is designed as an affordable professional resource which may supplement other coursework to help satisfy your continuing education requirement.

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Can Bookmark Education assist my company by providing continuing education to multiple professionals? Can we obtain discounts for enrolling large groups of students?

Yes! Please call us during our regular business hours for information regarding group enrollments and potential large-group discounts. We can help simplify the continuing education process and compliance requirements for your firm.

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How many times am I permitted to attempt the final examination for self-study courses?

Most students do just fine on their first attempt, since these are open-book self-study courses. Students are permitted multiple attempts to successfully pass the course's final exam. Specific rules vary by course as a result of differences in regulatory requirements. See the FAQs for a specific course type to learn more about the requirements for that course.

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